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Iron man pic for web_1455629619574_287942_ver1.0Now this is pretty cool- talk about being a real Iron Man!

“He started the hobby in 2013 when he discovered cos-play and built his first Iron Man suit for a convention. To date, he has two fully completed Iron Man suits and is working on a suit based on the Avenger’s villain, Ultron. His hobby has coined him the title Iron Man of Maine.

What makes his hobby really super, however, is his charity work.

“Any local event that someone sees my page or thinks that I’d help draw in some crowds or raise some funds for a good cause, I’d love to be a part of,” said Lemieux. 

From visiting children in hospitals, to raising money for the Children’s Miracle Network, and even fundraising for the Center For Grieving Children with another group he designs props for , the Maine Ghostbusters. 

“Anything that wold brighten a kid’s face,” he said. “Maybe kind of take them away from whatever problems they’re having. Even for a moment, you know, be with their favorite super hero.”

It’s Lemieux’s dream to one day work on prop design for major motion pictures, but he said he wants to use his powers for good by using his hobby to give back whenever he can.”



Source: WLBZ2

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The Real Iron Man

by Mark V time to read: 1 min