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smoking_iron_man_by_dashasummer-d5cmkr5“Marijuana possession has been decriminalized in New York State since the 1970s, provided you’re holding a small amount (under 25 grams) and keeping it out of sight. But the sale of marijuana remains illegal, so it’s still a good idea to be discreet when conducting these transactions. For example, it might be inadvisable to sell a bag of weed while wearing a pot leaf costume and carrying a sign reading, “Legalize marijuana, Need money for weed.” In Times Square.

The Post and the Daily News both gleefully report that Raymond “Marijuana Man’’ Lovell was arrested for selling $5 worth of marijuana in front of the Times Square Toys ‘R’ Us on Sunday night while wearing a “green fabric cannabis-leaf costume” and carrying the aforementioned pro-pot signage. His “customer” was his friend Girish Dani, who performs in Times Square as Iron Man, and sometimes Spider-Man.

“I’m Marijuana Man,” Lovell told the Post after he was released from Manhattan Criminal Court. “My friend asked me for a little smoke, so I gave it to him. He gave me $5 to buy a drink. It’s my personal stash.”

Dani was charged with fifth-degree marijuana possession, a misdemeanor, while Lovell was charged with possession and selling. Their arrests represent a turning point in America’s War on Drugs, and it’s clear that a drug-free New York City is finally within reach.”

Source: Gothamist

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NY Man Arrested for Selling Marijuana to Iron Man

by Mark V time to read: 1 min