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When street performer Justin Webb was issued a ticket for wearing a mask in public, he decided to let his armor do the talking.

As a street performer, part of his job is wearing a mask- so he suited up in true Avengers fashion and challenged his ticket and the law with the Knoxville City Council.

Iron Man and The Law

Iron Man Lays Down The Law

“The ordinance is far too ambiguous. The way it’s written, it would apply to anyone. It could be medical gear, religious headdresses, even Vol fans with their faces painted orange. This is how I make my living,” Webb expressed.

After the ordinance was amended and the law was approved, Webb extended his gratitude towards the City Council.

“Even with the government shutdown it’s very rewarding and hopeful to see people who are willing to work for the common good for the small people. As small as we performers may be.”

Webb may now continue his street performances in full costume. He must remove his mask and show identification when asked to do so.

“I do believe that tonight proved that when you show [the City Council] the proper respect they show respect back. We want to only help the economy of Knoxville and be able to have our freedom of expression stated by the Constitution,” Webb said.”

Sounds like a real champion of justice to us!  You can check out Justin’s selection of props at his Stark Props Etsy website.

Source: TNJN

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Iron Man Challenges the Law- and Wins!

by Mark V time to read: 1 min