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Oddly, when you make a fireproof Iron Man suit, it can wind up looking like something else altogether.

“He’s built a wall of death, the world’s longest motorbike and the world’s fastest stroller. Colin Furze has now taken his stunt man obsession to the next level and turned himself into a human firework, with the help of his latest creation, the ‘Iron Man’ suit.


Describing the stunt, Furze wrote on his website: “Being able to stand inside a Firework display is an experience I will not forget, at times it’s a bit like being in a barrel while your mate bangs it with a stick and waves a torch in your face, but seeing a lit rocket going of just 6ft from your face is pretty epic.”

Furze survived the fireworks with his home made iron costume, which miraculously helped him pull off his latest stunt without suffering a single scratch or burn.

Last month, Furze invented a giant fart machine for his Fart@France mission and sent a huge noise over to France.

You can follow Furze’s latest inventions on his YouTube channel.

Furze also appears in the British television series, Gadget Geeks, on Sky1 as one of the in-house geeks.”

totinos_pizza_rolls_02 Looks more like a Totino’s Pizza Roll to us than Iron Man….



Source: IBITimes

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Fireproof Iron Man Suit?

by Mark V time to read: 1 min