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“So, I’ve made Iron Man suits before out of foam and I was never entirely satisfied with the result. Starting last April, I pepped out the entire mark VII suit and finished it for DragonCon this past weekend. The whole process took about 5 months of work and at least 300 hours. The upside of this process, was that it wasn’t very expensive.

The pep files came in at about 300 pages of pepakura on card stock.
The design was from Darkside501st and was fantastic to work with.…t-post-139470/

The gloves were molded and cast and were Zabana’s design.

The entire suit was coated in resin and layered on the inside with fiberglass.
The outside got the bondo treatment with several layers of primer.
The red paint was Toreador Red by Duplicolor with a gloss clear coat.
The gold and metal paint was Testors metalizer – brass/steel with their sealer.
The hand repulsors were G4 12V LEDs.
The eyes were 12V LED strips diffused through plastic with an eye slit below.
The mask is held down or up with rare earth magnets.
The suit is held together with a mix of elastic and nylon straps with clips.
The under suit is a polyester body suit with lines drawn on.

Over all, I am pleased with the build and look forward to making many upgrades to it.”

Source: TheRPF

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Fiberglass Iron Man Mark 7 Build

by Mark V time to read: 1 min