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I printed this in ABS on my heavily modded solidoodle 2 at 0.2mm layer height and 20% infill.

The head is sanded then hit with Krylon 18 CT gold paint, sanded again, then another coat of gold (don’t worry about masking the eyes). Any detail lines are picked out with a scribe. The sections to be red are again lightly sanded, the gold areas masked, then airbrushed with a combination of Iwata com-art acrylic paints to achieve the color I wanted. Sanding again before another coat. Then masking removed and an x-acto knife used to scrape the paint from the eyes until down to the bare ABS. A thin brush is used to run a black around the eyes and into a few of the detail lines to give depth. The base is assembled after wiring (see below) then painted matt black.

The electronics are two (2) 3mm white LEDs wired in parallel with the positive wired to a CR2032 Button Cell Battery holder and the ground wired to a 1P Dip switch, which is then wired to the ground of the holder:

Run the two LEDs and wiring up through the head before running the wires through the base. The base contains enough room to route the wires then solder to the switch and battery holder. The battery holder is glued in place and the switch is friction fit.”

This one is really cool, with the light up function and all.  Head the the link below for all the details!

Source: Thingiverse

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3D Printed Light Up Iron Man Helmet

by Mark V time to read: 1 min