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Iron Man Helmet and Armor Info Series: Mark IV to Mark VI

Iron Man Helmet and Armor: Mark IViron man helmet mark iv

There’s not a whole lot of difference between this version and the previous Mark III version.

Essentially the brow is a bit more furrowed but the look is classic red and gold with the shape we’re all so familiar with.

The real differences in the Mark IV are more streamlined armor and components, plus a small bit of extra gold thrown into the mix to accent the smoother design and additional details.


Iron Man Helmet and Armor: Mark V

iron man helmet mark VA personal favorite of mine, Stark’s Mark V armor is a brilliant way of bringing a comic book concept that could look awfully silly into a more modern interpretation.

Instead of Tony storing his armor in an attache case, the case itself becomes a “Transformer” of sorts which envelops and seals onto his body.

The most obvious facial difference is the fact that the mask on the Mark V is split into several sections to allow for folding into the case when in storage.

The familiar fan favorite Silver Centurion color scheme of red and silver were chosen to the acclaim of fans everywhere.

Beyond the helmet itself, the rest of the suit is similar in a way to the Mark I armor in that exposed bits and slightly less functionality compared to some of Stark’s suits are the name of the game.

The Mark V is capable (as was the Mark I) but not as capable as something like the Mark VII or Mark XLII.


Iron Man Helmet and Armor: Mark VI


iron man helmet mark VI

The Mark VI Iron Man armor was definitely more evolutionary than revolutionary.  Very similar to the Mark IV, in terms of the mask and general color scheme.

The Mark VI Iron Man helmet is essentially a carryover from the Mark IV.

Mark VI does add in a few silver accents in addition to the gold and red, mainly on the bicep and lower leg areas.

The most obvious difference in this armor is related to the chest piece, which now sports a triangular ARC reactor in place of the traditional round one.

This was due to a story element in the second film which wasn’t very well accepted, where Tony Stark creates a new element, which is triangular in shape.

There are also modifications to the propulsion and weapons systems in this armor, most notably the cutting lasers mounted on the hand guards, which were responsible for Iron Man 2’s finale being as cool as it was.


Iron Man Helmet and Armor Wrapup

The differences among each Iron Man helmet in this article go from subtle to extreme. Certainly, they all follow the same basic recipe that Tony Stark came up with in a cave in Afghanistan: a grim, intimidating stare that makes bad guys think twice about engaging him.

That’s about it for this article- be sure to stop by again and see our latest updates.  Before we go, here’s a video I found that kind of goes nicely with this page.

Check out this Iron Man suitup video- can you spot all the helmets from this article?
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Iron Man Helmet and Armor Info Series: Mark IV to VI

by Mark V time to read: 2 min