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Prologue Films Creative Director Danny Yount and his team were responsible for the titles in Iron Man 3.


Going for a creative design that would please fans as well as earn director Shane Black’s approval wasn’t nearly as much trouble as some folks might have expected:

“Shane Black is a very down to earth guy and open to fun things. So it began a conversation with he and Kevin of what they wanted”

Yount’s work at the end of Iron Man 3 is brilliant, a work of art worthy of the franchise.

Here’s an early version of his titles:









Here’s the finished product as it appears in the film:







Sequels don’t always live up to expectations, especially when there’s a director switch, but in this case creative drive and Love for the source material produced terrific results.

Source: ArtofFX

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Prologue Films Creative Director on Iron Man 3

by Mark V time to read: 1 min