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gwyenth_paltrow1_300_400According to Gwyneth Paltrow, she has not been contacted about having a role in Avengers: Age of Ultron.

Here’s an excerpt from an interview she gave to HitFlix:

“I don’t think so, nobody has asked me- What is it called? Age of Ultron,’ okay. Well, no, I don’t think so. I haven’t heard any…my phone has not rung for ‘Avengers 2.'”

Paltrow did show some interest in a solo “RESCUE” movie though, ‘“That would be good. That would be fun.”

What do you think about Rescue? We think it’s a cool idea and the studio could learn a lot from Angela Bermudez regarding the look of the suit.

Here’s the interview in video form:

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Source: SuperHeroHype

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No Pepper Potts in Avengers 2?

by Mark V time to read: <1 min