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oleoleoleRumors have been flying about a Mandarin One Shot with the home release of Thor: The Dark World.

Recently, it was announced that one of the bonus features is called All Hail the King and that this was a Marvel One Shot like we got with Peggy Carter’s character in the Iron Man 3 home release.

Because we all know that Ben Kingsley did indeed work on a secret Marvel project, it made perfect sense that this would be it.

But those are only rumors, right?

“Now, we have an even better clue that “All Hail The King” will indeed revolve around the events of Iron Man 3. Drew Pearce, who wrote the screenplay for Iron Man 3, just tweeted, “Belated happy new year, people. Oh, and #AllHailTheKing.””


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Mandarin One Shot Likely With Thor Home Release

by Mark V time to read: 1 min