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Latinos Post has an interesting article that has Mark Wahlberg expressing his interest in playing Iron Man if and when Robert Downey Jr. decides to leave the popular franchise:


“I would like to take over the Iron Man franchise for Robert Downey, [but] it’s one of those things where I kind of like playing real people, [so] I’ve never been asked”


He also mentioned that he was up for the role of Robin in Batman Forever, concluding with “[I] dodged a bullet!”


markymarkvsrdjWhat does Marvel Studios think of this idea? Kevin Feige has this to say “I don’t think Robert will be playing this character for another 30 years, and I certainly hope the character stays in movies for the next 30 years — just like James Bond. I would say before George Lazenby and Roger Moore, Sean Connery was James Bond”


What do we think?  We think there will be a lot of people making Photoshops of Wahlberg in the Avengers sequel with the caption “Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch”


Please Marvel, don’t do this….


Check out the original post over at the website.

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Iron Man’s New Mark(y)?

by Mark V time to read: 1 min