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Iron Man’s suits are amazing both in the movies and in real life.  But they’d be far too bulky if they were made of actual metal.

Iron Man Helmet and Suit Construction

If only we had access to this equipment….

As we’ve posted before here and here, a 3D printer is becoming more and more indispensable for production companies and even the common person, Cosplayer or not.

The materials and process used to make the armors are pretty interesting and briefly outlined below:

“The funny thing is, not much of the final suit is actually metal. In fact, they are comprised of many different materials, such as fiberglass, plastic and silicone. In addition to making these suits as convincing as possible as metal machines, our goal is to make sure the actors are comfortable inside them. The suit can’t look stiff or respond to the actor’s movements in a clunky way. They need to offer a full range of movement, and comfort so as not to inhibit the actor’s performance. Each piece of the suit is then grown on our 3D printer, and sent to the shop for molding and casting.”

Source: Comic Book Movie

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Iron Man Helmet and Suit Construction

by Mark V time to read: 1 min