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As we reported earlier, it’s the worst kept secret that Sir Ben Kingsley is working on a new feature that continues the story in Iron Man 3.


We liked the twist- did you?

The idea is that a One Shot, similar to the inclusion of Peggy Carter’s One Shot on the Iron Man 3 home release, will fill in some of the details surrounding Trevor Slattery’s eventual adoption of the Mandarin identity.

“The new One-Shot will have the “real Mandarin” confronting Kingsley’s Trevor Slattery over the “mockery” that he and Aldrich Killian (Guy Pearce) turned his legacy into in the events of the third Iron Man film.”

Of course, this is all conjecture but we are intrigued and looking forward to the finished product!

Source: SuperHeroHype

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Ben Kingsley’s Secret Iron Man Project

by Mark V time to read: 1 min