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Artist Bob Layton

“In 1978, before Iron Man was a blockbuster movie hero and star of three films that have grossed more than $1 billion worldwide, he was the star of a struggling Marvel Comics series on the verge of cancellation.

Along came writer David Michelinie and writer-artist Bob Layton. The duo combined to create some of the most memorable stories in the character’s 51-year history. They’re best known for the story “Demon in a Bottle,” in which Tony Stark — the man behind the armor — faces his own alcoholism. The story connected with readers in a way that still reverberates today.

“We got so much mail and a lot of it was heart-wrenching — people saying their father was an alcoholic and they never understood why he acted the way he did until they read our book,” Layton said.

“I got a letter from a guy in the military who wanted me to send him a copy of ‘Demon in a Bottle’ so he could keep it on his wall to remind him not to drink.”

Layton visits Rodman Comics in Ankeny from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday to sign books and do free sketches to celebrate the fourth anniversary of the store.

In advance of his appearance, Layton discussed putting the metal in Iron Man’s look, meeting “Iron Man” movie star Robert Downey Jr. and a life in comics.

APPEARANCE: “When I was drawing and inking Iron Man, I started using graphics paper effects and straight rulers to give the suit a metallic appearance. We didn’t have the computerized printing and coloring they do now, so before, Iron Man’s armor was drawn freehand and it looked more like a costume than something metal. I added a lot of reflection spots and straighter rule lines to give it a shinier look. Before long, everybody was doing metallic effects on everything.”

Perhaps Layton's Most Iconic Work

Perhaps Layton’s Most Iconic Work

ON THE MONEY IN COMICS: “When I started, I was making $45 a page and living in New York, which was very expensive. I don’t have any of my original art because I had to sell it to collectors as fast as I could to pay rent. In the old days, we didn’t make money off the merchandizing the way they do now. If I had a nickel for every time I saw something I drew or inked on a T-shirt or coffee mug, I’d be living in the south of France. But I’ve always had the best job in the world and I wouldn’t trade it.”

ON FAN REACTION TO ‘DEMON IN A BOTTLE’: “I became an unofficial spokesman for sobriety. It’s a very gratifying thing to have people tell you that something you created changed their lives or made such an impression on them. When I go to comic book conventions, sometimes whole (Alcoholics Anonymous) groups will show up for signings. And to think we did this over 35 years ago.”

ON MEETING ROBERT DOWNEY JR.: “He’s amazing! I went to visit the set of the first ‘Iron Man’ movie and he came right over to me. He knew who I was. We sat down and talked for about 40 minutes. He was so well-read on the character. He’d read everything I’d done backwards and forwards. He was so concerned with getting Tony Stark right. I told him I thought he might be a little too old, but when I saw the first dailies, man, he blew me away. He’s such a nice guy. He’ll jump the rope at a red carpet event to high-five fans and sign stuff. Nobody does that.”

ON HIS FIRST VISIT TO IOWA: “I’m excited. I love to travel and especially to places I’ve never been before. The fun thing about this work is wherever you go, you meet people who have waited years to meet you. And I’m always happy to meet them. People are usually very nice.”

Bob Layton

SEE HIM: 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday

WHERE: Rodman Comics, 318 S. Ankeny Boulevard.

DETAILS: The 61-year-old comic book writer, artist and publisher plotted and helped draw the famed “Demon in a Bottle” story in Iron Man, a story which dealt with alcoholism; designed the toys for Secret Wars, which inspired a successful comic series by the same name; and co-founded the comics publisher Valiant.”


Source: DesMoinesRegister

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ATTN: Landlovers: Meet Bob Layton in Iowa!

by Mark V time to read: 3 min