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Want to see something cooler than Google Glass?


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“While Google is busy preparing its Glass heads-up display for consumer launch, other device makers are releasing bigger, more immersive wearable computers. Enter the metaPRO, a 3D augmented reality platform with a screen that’s said to boast 15 times the display area of Google Glass.

The $3,000 metaPRO, which is now up for preorder and costs twice as much as the Google Glass Explorer Edition, features a design that the company says is based on aviator sunglasses. Meta says the look plays a crucial role in how wearable displays resonate with consumers.

“We wanted to make it sexy,” Meta CEO Meron Gribetz said of the metaPRO . “People’s faces will be as beautiful as they were before or even more while wearing it.”

Source: LapTopMag

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Forget Google Glass, This is what Tony Stark Would Wear!

by Mark V time to read: 1 min