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Worst Previews posted a new rumor on their site which is intriguing involving Ultron’s introduction and origin.

*If you’re not fond of spoilers, this is the part to stop reading at….*


Classic-Ultron-Preview_1361540381Although Ultron was created by Hank Pym in the Marvel Universe, the character has yet to be introduced to the Marvel cinematic universe.


Joss Whedon has confirmed that “another team-member will build [Ultron, and] many have assumed that Tony Stark will be responsible for Ultron’s creation”.


The idea of Stark’s technology once again threatening the world is interesting and hearkens back to the first Iron Man movie.  Stark’s J.A.R.V.I.S. AI could also be an interesting piece of the puzzle.


It’s still just a rumor, but with production Avengers: Age of Ultron beginning soon we should get answers sooner rather than later.


We think it’s a great idea that would play well with audiences both geek faithful and popcorn movie buffs.


What do you think? Interesting concept or blasphemy in the eyes of purists?


See the original article over at the Worst Previews Website.


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*Spoilers* Possible New Twist to Ultron and Iron Man

by Mark V time to read: 1 min