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“Marvel Entertainment’s new squad-based role-playing game for Facebook has nearly 70 million agents fighting for the fate of planet Earth.


In Marvel: Avengers Alliance Tactics, players strategically position a team of Marvel heroes within 3D environments to defeat villains in a continuation of the previous Avengers Alliance story for social media outlets.

In the game, players take on the role of a shield commander who must recruit a team of superheroes to defend Earth.

Heroes are drafted from a roster of more than 20 characters that includes Iron Man, Thor and Captain America.  Special characters, like Loki and Taskmaster, become playable as the game’s story unfolds.

Players will also manage their heroes, choosing and upgrading their powers as they advance through the game.

Marvel: Avengers Alliance Tactics follows the Avengers as they work to protect the planet against threats from other dimensions.

Shield sends a strike force to the Savage Land after detecting an enormous energy anomaly. This routine containment mission reveals a shocking source — the imminent collision of uncountable parallel dimensions.  Now, superheroes from each dimension turn on each other, desperate for survival.

Marvel: Avengers Alliance Tactics is now available at”

Source: BangkokPost

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Time to Waste? New Iron Man Facebook Game!

by Mark V time to read: 1 min