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Read about how the Make a Wish Foundation helped 6 year old Leukemia patient Isai become his hero Iron Man for a day below!

“KANSAS CITY, Mo. – A super hero comes to life in the metro today.

kid becomes iron man for a day

Isai es Muchacho de Hierro!

Muchacho de Hierro (Iron Man) is saving the day all across Kansas City and KCK. It’s all part of a Make-A-Wish granted for 6-year-old Isai, who has leukemia.

The day started with him saving a woman’s purse at the Bob Evans in Merriam, then the Muchacho chased his arch nemesis, KC Cucaracha, through Legoland, Sporting Park before the two have their final showdown at the ‘K’ this afternoon.

Randy Burghard is playing the role of KC Cucaracha. He says he feels honored to be playing the villain.

“My friends and I threw a Royals home opener party with about 600 people. We put all the proceeds toward buying a “Make-A-Wish” wish, which was estimated at $5,000. We ended up raising $10,500,” Burghard said.

The best part of the day: Isai is only receiving one treatment a month and is no longer on chemo.”

Good stuff, Make A Wish is great for things like this 🙂

Source: KMBC

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Make A Wish Helps Little Boy Become Iron Man For the Day

by Mark V time to read: 1 min