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“PROVO, Utah — An artist in Provo created a life-size Iron Man suit using nothing more than foam, spray paint and his computer.

Screen Shot 2014-05-15 at 4.14.06 PMHe said it’s the amount of work he put into the costume that makes it look so real.

“It’s kind of like a sewing pattern,” Nate Bonham said. “I cut out the pieces out of paper, I put them on to the craft foam, and then it tells me where to glue each edge together to turn it into a three-dimensional piece.”

Bonham is a sculptor by trade. He said his artistic background helped him put together the life-size action hero suit.

It’s a hit at parties and kids think it’s the real deal, which gave Bonham an idea to post his work on YouTube.

“We were thinking about doing a whole series of like, Iron Man does basic boring things, Iron Man goes golfing” Bonham said.

He and his friends settled on Ironman goes to the mall, which you can watch below.”

Source: Fox13Now

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Utah Artist Constructs Iron Man Suit

by Mark V time to read: 1 min