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gwyneth-paltrow-600“Pepper Potts and Tony Stark have tackled numerous supervillains, but on Sunday, the duo took on something a little less action-packed: the beach.

Robert Downey Jr. and Gwyneth Paltrow, who play the titular character and his love interest, respectively, in Marvel’s Iron Man franchise, posed for a sandy selfie together, shared to the Goop girl’s Instagram.

In the photo, Downey, 50, and Paltrow, 42, stand in front of a beach dining setup.

Paltrow appears makeup-free as she gives a slight smile for her fictional boyfriend. Downey – wearing a straw, camo fedora and brown plastic frames – keeps it straight-faced.
“@robertdowneyjr how I love thee,” Paltrow wrote, adding the onscreen duo’s couple name. “#pepperony.”

Chillin’ in the Hampty-Hamps, must be awesome to have a taste of that Marvel money! 🙂

Source: People

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Pepper Potts and Tony Stark Take a Selfie

by Mark V time to read: 1 min