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“No, this is not Tony Stark. This Cosplay artist is fast becoming the world’s most popular Iron Man look alike. We got Mark 7 suits, War Machine AND Zombie War Machine!

Cosplay artist Anthony Le is now undoubtedly the king when it comes to Iron Man Cosplay. This Colorado resident is responsible for creating the world’s most realistic, detailed and functioning Iron Man suits and battle armour ever. (Behind Stark himself, of course)

Anthony Le is a budding filmmaker and charity worker. Now, almost an exhibit to himself, Anthony is regularly one of the main attractions at conventions and other such events. From the humble beginnings of fandom, Anthony has fast become synonymous when it comes to Iron Man cosplay.

Below, Le debuts his War machine armour at Starfest 2010, Le entered into the Costume Contest and as you can imagine won by unanimous decision. The first version of his War Machine, which he calls the Hybrid, “took costuming to a new level”.

The challenge was that He was forced to make it before any of the official images were released. He had to imagine and predict what the War Machine would look like. He achieved this by combining the designs of Mark I, Mark III and the concept art of War Machine. This armor even caught the attention of director Jon Favreau! Take a look.

Not only is Le a fantastic artist and engineer but he is one heck of a nice guy. Le, works a lot with charity, donating days to children in need. He regularly visits children’s hospitals and hospices alike as Iron Man to entertain and enrich the children’s lives.

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Anthony Le has one rule that he always abides to – “Live life with a passion and no regrets”

Zombie War Machine

No Cosplay would be complete without a zombie or two. Le has taken the idea of Iron Man and has brilliantly transformed the War Machine into an undead mutilation of mechanics and blood .

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The design was inspired by Marvel Zombies and spirited for a Halloween event. Le achieved the desired effect using severe battle damage armour and blood special effects. The suit debuted at the denver Zombie Crawl. Check out the video of Anthony dancing as Zombie War Machine.

Le has gone on to now working with some of the worlds biggest movie production companies. Le works regularly with the teams behind the special effects and now helps design the latest battle suits for the movies. Proof that anything is possible. Le started out a fan just like you.

For more from me follow me on Twitter and for more of Anthony Le, you can find him here. Le will blow you away with the other suits he has built. Iron Man was just the beginning…”

Source: MoviePilot

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Most Amazing Iron Man Cosplayer Returns!

by Mark V time to read: 2 min