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Myriad“Batman, Iron Man and Superman donated gifts to hospital patients to celebrate Eid!

Members of the Myriad Foundation from Manchester have been visiting hospitals as part of their ‘Let them know it’s Eid time’ campaign.

The Foundation encouraged fellow Muslims to donate gifts, rehabilitation aids and toys to a selection of mosques around the city. Due to the overwhelming number of donations they presented the gifts across five different locations including three children’s hospitals, one of which was Stepping Hill Hospital.

Ali Mahmood, CEO of the Myriad Foundation said: “Eid is a wonderful celebration and an opportunity for families to get together and enjoy some quality time together.”

Adam Davies, nurse at Stepping Hill, explained: “It was quite surreal. We do not normally come into work expecting Batman, Superman and Iron Man here but it was fantastic!

“The children loved it. It was a really enjoyable day for both staff and children. It was great seeing the community and hospital come together in such a positive way.”

Project lead on the initiative, Sara Saed, said: “Being met with such a positive response was totally heart-warming and endearing.”

“I did something similar when I was studying at University in Manchester, we had a really positive response and we were just an average group of people who wanted to put a smile on a child’s face.

After joining up with the Myriad Foundation, I got the opportunity to present the concept to the senior leadership team who, to my surprise, really loved the idea and gave me full backing to deliver it putting me down as project lead too.presents

Being met with such a positive response was heart warming and endearing.”

The ceremony was marked with a brief overview of Ramadan and motivations behind the project followed by light refreshments and friendly discourse.

Altogether a special day, with special people; working together to deliver smiles on the faces of very special people.

They have a series of projects around helping citizens facing food poverty to supporting the terminally ill who may face social isolation alongside developing projects in aid of community capacity building, outreach and education.”


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Iron Man and Fellow Superheros Visit Hospital

by Mark V time to read: 1 min