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ironman_theme“If you ever wanted to experience what it’s like to fight alongside Iron Man, Disney Parks has you covered. They announced today at the D23 Expo new info on the Iron Man Experience Ride – but keep in mind, you’ll have to go to Hong Kong Disneyland to ride it. It will be the first Marvel-themed ride at any Disney park.

The panel presentation at D23 revealed that the entrance to the ride will be patterned after the Stark Expo, positioned inside the Tomorrowland section of the park.

The ride itself appears to be a motion simulator. Riders board Tony Stark’s “Iron Wing” vehicle and fly to the new Hong Kong Stark tower, where Tony has built the world’s largest Arc reactor at the top of the building. Hydra attacks, trying to steal the Arc reactor and you and Iron Man team up to stop them. You see Iron Man flying in front of you, fighting Hydra above and on the streets of Hong Kong.

The ride will include plenty of touches that comic book fans will appreciate. Disney revealed that riders will see “some new, unseen faces of Hydra” and “if you’re paying close attention, some familiar faces.””

Source: IGN


Here’s a video showing the Iron Man Experience ride as it appears in Hong Kong, courtesy of ComicBookResources:


Here’s an additional update and video from MSN:


Iron Man ride footage, character, and Stan Lee… by droningprairiedog

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*Updated with Video* D23: Iron Man Ride Details!

by Mark V time to read: 1 min