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rp_captain-america-iron-man-civil-war-1024x516.jpg“Marvel Studios and its president Kevin Feige clear came to Disney’s D23 Expo with one goal: blow fans’ effing minds.

After skipping San Diego Comic-Con last month, we knew Marvel was going to go big at D23, but we didn’t know how big until Feige debuted epic new footage from “Captain America: Civil War,” which reunites all of our favorite MCU superheroes (Cap! Black Widow! Iron Man! Falcon! Vision! Scarlet Witch! ANT-MAN!) with a few new guys (Black Panther!).

In “Captain America: Civil War,” Cap finds himself at war with some of his best friends. Steve Rogers and Tony Stark will throw down in this superhero-packed flick, which seems more like an “Avengers: Age of Ultron” follow-up than a Captain America movie. Feige, with a little helped from Chris Evans and Anthony Mackie, introduced the epic action sequence — and possibly the first trailer — from the film.

Captain America jumps right into action, with Sam and Natasha, in a soaring action-packed scene that finds the Cap at odds with pretty much everyone, including his fellow Avenger Iron Man and War Machine.

“Sometimes, I want to punch you in your perfect teeth,” a seething Iron Man tells Cap.

It also looks like Hawkeye has sided with Stark — in another scene, we watch Black Widow go head to head with her broody BFF. We also see Bucky (!!) in his cell, picking up right where that “Ant-Man” post-credits scene left off.

But it was Ant-Man and Captain America’s hilarious introduction that proved “Civil War” might be tad lighter than the typical “Captain America” film.

Feige also previewed what’s ahead for the Marvel Cinematic Universe as the MCU heads into Phase 3. “Captain America: Civil War” will kick things off, followed by “Doctor Strange,” the second film in Phase 3, which is currently in pre-production.

Doctor Strange himself, Benedict Cumberbatch, taped a special greeting for D23 goers — as he’s currently in a play on London’s West End — and he promised lots of “girls, cars, explosion, explosions projecting into multiple dimensions.” The audience was treated to a first look at “Doctor Strange.” Though there was no official footage to show, Marvel did put together an incredible story board. Somehow, Cumberbatch is even more attractive with an evil goatee. Who knew!

“Captain America: Civil War” comes crashing into theaters on May 6, 2016.”

Source: MTV

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Captain America and Iron Man Mix it Up in Civil War Trailer (Description Inside)

by Mark V time to read: 2 min