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Wanna have an Iron Man car to commute in?  Check this thing out in the gallery below the quote!

“Replace the silver with gold, and you’ll see what the stylist was getting at.

The Explosion Coupe was an unexpected surprise at Gumpert‘s Geneva Show stand, but the Apollo S was the star attraction. Having marvelled at the body work in person, we now understand the look was inspired by Iron Man. 2M Designs was tasked with the red and silver chrome body wrap, which took 80 hours to complete. Interested parties can do likewise to their rides for 6,800 Euros. Other mods made to the car include ‘liquid rubber’ coated alloys, and the application of carbon film on the mirrors, glass engine cover and lights.”

What a bargain!  6800 Euros (~9500 USD as of this writing) to pimp your own ride in a similar style!  It might be hard to tell, but that was sarcasm right there- 10 grand to wrap a car?  P.T. Barnum said it best: “There’s one born every minute”!

Source: CarBuzz

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A Proper Vehicle: Iron Man Style!

by Mark V time to read: 1 min