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The Armored Avenger is taking a stab at laziness in a new comic book fromMarvel-Florida-Blue-WellPoint insurance company partners WellPoint and Florida Blue.

The gist of what’s in the book is basically Iron Man encouraging kids to live a healthy and active lifestyle:

“The goal of the Habit Heroes Iron Man comic book experience aligns with our commitment to help inspire families to lead healthier lives, and is part of our broader efforts to provide the tools and resources needed to help families achieve this goal. With National Child Health Day just around the corner, this is a perfect time to introduce the comic book and remind families that working together makes it fun and easy to make healthy choices.”

You can get a copy of your own at various health and community related activities around the country or download a digital edition.  Both versions are available in English and Spanish.


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Iron Man to Combat Poor Lifestyle Choices

by Mark V time to read: 1 min