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Should I make this out to Marky Mark?

Is RDJ getting too big for his britches?  Maybe, maybe not- the actor isn’t committing to anything beyond his current contract to portray Tony Stark- maybe he want s a larger role or a bigger paycheck.

You be the judge in this interview with Marvel Studios’ Kevin Feige, with additional commentary by RDJ himself:

“There has been a buzz that Robert Downey Jr. may not appear in Iron Man 4 anymore. The actor has become synonymous with Tony Stark a.k.a. Iron Man, so what will the movie be like if he won’t be there?

In an interview with Collider, Marvel president Kevin Feige said, “I’ve said it before and it wasn’t negotiating tactics. I believe Tony Stark is as strong a character as Batman. We’re about to head into our fifth or sixth Batman – however, you wanna look at it–James Bond, etc. So, there will absolutely be future Tony Starks and future Iron Mans. Who makes those movies, and when those movies are made, who knows? I don’t know. But, the notion with Robert’s contract in The Avengers 2 & 3, is to allow new characters. Part of what we love about The Avengers is the shifting roster. That’s what’s fun about the comic book movies. You shift them up. So, certainly that was a lot of the thought process that went into it.”

Robert Downey Jr., on the other hand, revealed to Empire Magazine how he felt about Iron Man 4. The 48-year old actor said, “Recasting would probably be the best thing in the world for me. You know, ego…but sometimes ego just has to be smashed. Let’s see what happens. I take the audience very seriously – I feel bad when I see folks doing movies and the audience is like, ‘Don’t do that anymore.’ I don’t have to overstay my welcome.”

With that being said, even if Robert Downey Jr. won’t casted as Iron Man 4, there could still be a possibility that a new actor will portray his role. Look what happened in James Bond, which was successfully portrayed by Roger Moore, Sean Connery, and Pierce Brosnan to name a few. Who do you think will be the next Tony Stark?”

We’re not sure the character will thrive if another actor takes the role.  The Bond movies had lots of different actors portraying the title role and it’s kind of worn on Bond fans- even hardcore ones aren’t all that supportive of the last few….

Source: KDarmaStars

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Iron Man 4: With or Without RDJ?

by Mark V time to read: 2 min